I mean to be a complainer, sometimes. I was struck by how blatantly LensCrafters® is abusing clients. They provide an essential service but set conditions
Year: 2022

Using Daylight Saving Time in the Winter will not make more daylight. We have only 9 1/2 hours to work with. If you want more

I wish you health and prosperity. Your policies are well suited to uncontrolled capitalism. The financial consequences of environmental issues are of too high a
1 CNN Center, Atlanta GA 30303 My Dear Business Journalist: Your newsletter “5 Things” published online on 2022-02-28 included a link about bread making that
Simple facts:Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has had his business dealings investigated by a Senate committee. His personal life was made public when

Original Intent of the Corporation The modern corporation began in 1600 during a period of zero-sum mercantilism to make a profit from buying and selling