“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Unfortunately, Karl Marx said that in 1875. He was too extreme on governance. But with a contribution by my progressive taxes, we address the first part.
The second part, “according to his needs,” requires an administrative process that has detailed information on each citizen. That would be “personal stuff.” A lot is already public property, probably enough.
There is an economic process that is legal and popular that already addresses pooling of funds to pay out to people claiming a need. Insurance covers risk exposures from pooled funds. Generally, there is less than a 1% chance of a claim. With a social program, there may be a 60% chance of a claim for some benefits. That’s fully coverable. Just put the actuaries to work and set the tax rate. It may look expensive, but the community social and economic benefit of having everyone fed, housed, educated, and able to get healthcare is worth a lot to the recipient and to the whole neighborhood. It makes today better and encourages people to innovate for tomorrow.
The summary —
1. Happiness is prime. (Food, clothing, housing, security — the first two levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs — then education, employment, healthcare, et cetera)
2. Progressive taxation to cover the cost. (Higher incomes & estate values pay a higher rate)
3. Citizens surrender some privacy to determine community and individual needs, benefits, and cost.
This social system with a government by democracy with three branches looks like the best chance for survival of the socio-economic system thru the centuries. We could call it “Social Democracy.” 🙂 We would need hard and fast regulation for election finance and prevention of fraud and monopolism.
Liberate America Again