Civilizing a Nation

I have chosen the domain name “Civilized Nation” from the text of our Declaration of Independence from British rule. The authors made many references to the abuses by the King of England of his subject American Colonies that came up short of being the behavior of a civilized nation. So we chose independence to establish our own democratic experiment of rule by the people. Of course, capitalism has been let go to the point that the power of wealth has abducted the leadership role and the workers are being abused to further enrich the wealthy. A political rebellion is churning among the people.

This page is thoughtful ruminations on the status of the people of the United States and its “Great Democracy Experiment.” There is not any intention of elevating any group or person to a position to make decisions for the public. Of course, the use of a representative republic is considered democratic.

Government exists for the benefit of business and commerce by contributing to the betterment of the lives of all the people, including business people and owners of corporations, not the corporation.

Let’s talk about it, including your Comments!