Persons are equal. “Free Speech” implies unconditional and non-judgemental personal respect. “Free Speech” requires an atmosphere of “Free Listening.” 0. This is one broad opinion.
Category: America

Did you ever wonder how big a billion or million are? They are 1,000 times different. Which is greater 2 billion
Capitalism works for business and consumer when there is some regulation. Socialism works for consumer and business when there is some profit incentive. Because business
(The people, not the corporation.)

The current discussion about selecting a Supreme Court Justice is running on one rail: the search is for an objective judge. That is impossible. The

[519 words] When the majority party of the current U.S. Congress sites Mr. Reagan as the president who made the most successful tax code revision

We will eat, drink, and marry. We continue to choose our foods for personal and learned reasons. The origin of all foods is energy from

Luttwak wrote in the New York Times* that deregulation is the greatest part of the solution to the frustrating economic position of most Americans. Deregulation
Well, remember that you asked for clarification. Here are 430 words. The governance of our country is by elected officials. Theoretically, elections give the people power

(Thank you for looking at this 1776 list of complaints against a king — about 1300 words long. Please leave your comments .) When in