A blogger, whom I cannot recall to give them earned credit, discovered this a rationale for a relative who sees no reason to care about
Category: America
A baby in the womb will suffocate.
“RULES OF PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE IN THE SENATE WHEN SITTING ON IMPEACHMENT TRIALS [Revised pursuant to S. Res. 479, 99–2, Aug. 16, 1986]” Sections 122
Only when failure is assured do you need a conspiracy. When there is something you will not get or did not get, it can be

I vote late next year! It’s too soon by one year to endorse a candidate. But I’m only one vote. A re-election endorsement is not

I will be offensive to some modern people’s sensitivities. Their history is so bad that they spend their lives apologizing for their ancestors. My ancestors

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Unfortunately, Karl Marx said that in 1875. He was too extreme on governance.

A $15 minimum wage will be a new expense for restaurants. It will be windfall income for the wait staff. To be fair in the

Yes, I graduated HS in ’59. Blackface was used in those days. It was not considered a sin against nature but was part of the