We have lost it!
Capitalism has extracted maximal profits. Prepare for taxation of corporate profits.
“The people” includes corporate officers, stockholders, workers, consumers, and unemployed humans who live here.
The only place where corporations exist is in their charter. Corporations are defined by laws the people have enacted by way of our representative democracy.
More than 80% of us can ill afford more taxes. Corporations are invented entities that have accumulated wealth that is not the property of a person. It is wealth accumulated from the labor and spending of people. Corporations are obligated to support their work-force and their consumers. Corporations are established to add products to society, not subtract resources from society. (Stockholders hold paper that is part of the definition of the corporation. Hence, stockholder profit or loss is part of the fabricated corporate vehicle.) Corporations exist to provide a product, not to abuse the people or the planet Earth.
The role of government is to support the people. We thrive when roads, schools, water & sewer, energy, housing, and other universal needs are satisfied. Corporate officers, stockholders, laborers, consumers, and the unemployed all thrive when everyone has a floor to rely on.