Investors are operating in the real estate market for profit. Converting a public parking lot and adjoining lots into a commercial rental and meeting hall
Author: Richard

My 5-year old grandson stacked up blocks the other day to build a jail and a jail cell. I suggested it be a hospital to

After the Senate impeachment acquittal, Trump’s re-election campaign moved quickly, sending out a fund-raising email declaring, “… haters, I’m not going anywhere.” He could be

MoveOn* was established in 1998 to focus the government on working for the people. MoveOn* is a political mobilization organization whose membership sees government in
We are a social animal. That means that we cannot survive as individuals. We ban together to share the tasks of our survival. We have
A blogger, whom I cannot recall to give them earned credit, discovered this a rationale for a relative who sees no reason to care about
A baby in the womb will suffocate.
“RULES OF PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE IN THE SENATE WHEN SITTING ON IMPEACHMENT TRIALS [Revised pursuant to S. Res. 479, 99–2, Aug. 16, 1986]” Sections 122
Only when failure is assured do you need a conspiracy. When there is something you will not get or did not get, it can be